Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Love Me Like This


Hold my hand when I feel low
Dance with me even if if you don't know how

Keep me safe, while my demons in my head show
Love me when when I feel ugly, because of a few kilos

Kiss me while I am asleep
Hold my tight, when I weep

Listen to me when I talk my heart out
Sometimes, I might sulk and pout

I don't want you to be the perfect one
I want you to make me feel like I am the only one

Monday, July 17, 2017

CTT: Pollution in India

I have had quite a bit of alone time in the past few weeks, and I have taken a fancy to stand at my balcony and look at the vehicles passing by.

This Sunday, while I was standing in my balcony at say around 8 am, enjoying a cup of coffee,a random thought came into my mind.
I started to count the vehicles that pass by that inside street. 
In 45 minutes, on a lazy Sunday morning, I counted an alarming number for 623 cars.
I wonder, if a side street, can have that much carbon footprints on a Sunday morning, imagine the amount of pollution we create all over the city, and the country.

I had a chat with a friend of mine, and she rightly pointed out that, she felt guilty to travel alone in cabs, which I agree, we might reduce some amount of pollution if we car-pooled,or take the public transport.

We cut trees to make buildings. Then we look for greenery everywhere.
Now, a days people go on "road trips"for a breathe of fresh air because everything around is polluted, air, sky, noise, water, soil. Its painful to think, that our kids, the future of this country will be born, breathing the polluted air.

I wish everyone would do their bit to make India a less polluted place.

Friday, July 7, 2017

#DAshTalks Our Aww Moments

The scene goes like this;

Awin was scheduled to travel for almost a month.

A few weekends back, we were relaxing in our balcony with nicely brewed coffee and our respective laptops.
I was searching for "Best Budget Honeymoon Destinations outside India" for a really close friend of mine.

Awin, had a glance of the screen, and with a very "poor me" tone he asked (trying to sound serious which to totally wasn't)

"I am going away for work and you have already started looking for honeymoon places without me?"

before even I could say anything, I had one look at those eyes & went "Awwwww..."

Monday, July 3, 2017

The 'Anything but Books' Tag

I wasn't tagged by anyone for this post, but it was inspired by Soumya of Life of Leo.
The tag is to answer the below questions and none of the answers should involve books.
I won't say I am a book-worm, but yeah! I do read a lot (meaning one book a week), and my choice of books are normally the chilled out, teen, chic books mostly. I do occasionally enjoy, serious thriller books.

I took up this challenge, only because I loved the questions

Name a cartoon(s) that you love.
I can watch all the cartoons that were showed on Cartoon Network in the 90's and the Disney cartoons too.
My favorite character though is DeeDee from Dexter's Laboratory.

What is your favorite song right now?
I am Bollywood junkie. I love the item numbers and the troll like songs.
Today, being Saturday, this one bhojpuri song has been a ear-worm all day. The song is called "Lipstick" (See video)
Otherwise, this one song is on a repeat mode on my playlist for the last four days 
"Abhi Na jao chod kar"

What is something you love to do that your followers would be surprised by?
I love a clean sparking, organized house. I spend a lot of time decluttering, organizing. I get paranoid and sad if my house is not clean.

What is your favorite unnecessarily specific thing to learn about (this can do with books, I guess)?
Undoubtedly, DRIVING. I have a license, I can start a car and that's about it. 

What is something unusual you know how to do?
I can make craft projects out of almost anything around the house.

Name something you’ve made in the last year (and show us, if you can).
Lampshade with threads, Wind-chimes with newspapers, crocheted bags, Warli art on my book, recycled old earrings

What is your most recent personal project?
Wardrobe and cabinets organizing

Tell us something you think about often (maybe while staring out of windows).
There are few things I have been hoping and wishing would happen, mostly I think about them. Its a bit too personal to be shared on a public platform.

Give us something that’s your favorite, but make it something oddly specific, not like your favorite food, but like your favorite food when you’ve been studying for hours and forgot to eat. Or, you know, something like that.
I love to try new starters every time, my favorite moments are the reactions of my brother and husband when they have them.

I am supposed to tag someone to take this challenge up, but no one is coming to my mind now. 
Anyone, who might read can take this up as your personal project and write a post.

Go on, and share your posts on the comments below.