I and one of my girl pals were having a chat about "conscious spending"..
That's one area that I invariably fail..that too miserably...
Every month I promise myself
"Girl, you are not taking a rick, take a bus or a sharing"
"Whoa woman...don't go on an online or offline shopping spree"
"Hey, you are growing fat...No eating out...let that pizza and subway be"
But end up splurging enough to put my account balance to shame..
On 6th July 2012, we both chicks decided to pull each other off unwanted money spending..
I call it "Paisa Bachao Andolan"..
How? We had no idea..
We decided on the tried and tested "Maintain a Diary" method...I had tried this..after precisely a week of decent entry..moment the first weekend comes diary vanishes automatically
Then we decided to keep minimal money in out purses..or else hide those 500 and 100 notes in a place that we might forget and get it as a surprise some day.
We set a target as in spend only Rs. 40 per day, anything more than that we get punished.
We decided as a punishment for over-spending we would keep our cellphones at home the next day.
We even made an excel sheet for tracking our expenses.
Week 1: 100% Success
Week 2: 100% success (grin)
Week 3: Tuesday phone stayed home coz Monday I couldn't resist pani puri, Saturday phone stayed home, again pani-puri the culprit (small smile)
Week 4: 100% success (toothy ear to ear grin)
31st July 2012: An embarrassing war dance..woooooohooooo..This is Sparta and I am a Spartan..wooooohoooo (dont ask me where the Sparta thing came from I am just too happy to have my Mission accomplished)
I should treat myself an ice-cream....
That's one area that I invariably fail..that too miserably...
Every month I promise myself
"Girl, you are not taking a rick, take a bus or a sharing"
"Whoa woman...don't go on an online or offline shopping spree"
"Hey, you are growing fat...No eating out...let that pizza and subway be"
But end up splurging enough to put my account balance to shame..
On 6th July 2012, we both chicks decided to pull each other off unwanted money spending..

How? We had no idea..
We decided on the tried and tested "Maintain a Diary" method...I had tried this..after precisely a week of decent entry..moment the first weekend comes diary vanishes automatically
Then we decided to keep minimal money in out purses..or else hide those 500 and 100 notes in a place that we might forget and get it as a surprise some day.
We set a target as in spend only Rs. 40 per day, anything more than that we get punished.
We decided as a punishment for over-spending we would keep our cellphones at home the next day.
We even made an excel sheet for tracking our expenses.
Week 1: 100% Success
Week 2: 100% success (grin)
Week 3: Tuesday phone stayed home coz Monday I couldn't resist pani puri, Saturday phone stayed home, again pani-puri the culprit (small smile)
Week 4: 100% success (toothy ear to ear grin)
31st July 2012: An embarrassing war dance..woooooohooooo..This is Sparta and I am a Spartan..wooooohoooo (dont ask me where the Sparta thing came from I am just too happy to have my Mission accomplished)
I should treat myself an ice-cream....