With the recommendation and encouragement of a very nice friend of mine. I am trying my hand on my first SHORT STORY.
He sat there in the shady corner of the alley with his head on his hands wondering, what he had done and why. He knew this happened in the heat of the moment, it wasn't intentional, but how will he prove it.
He stood up and looked at himself in the mirror of the hotel back door, the mirror reflected his blood smeared hands, his stained shirt, and teary stained face.
Two blocks away, he heard police sirens, something in his mind made him want to see what was happening. Cops bustling around, the
Caution Barricade yellow tapes being put up. Somehow, these goings made him so nervous that he wanted to scream out real loud, beads of perspiration broke out on his forehead, he closed his eyes and replayed the whole scene in his head all over again for the billionth time.
It was 11.34pm when he checked his phone for Aliah's message, she was in trouble again, but this time he sensed something serious. He brushed the sinking feeling from his mind and thought "
she should have been her 15 minutes back"
He had the money she wanted and the .45 ACP handgun for her safety.
Suddenly, he saw a man approaching from the dark and dragging along a limp body of a woman. In that, moonlit street he knew that woman was Aliah.

He could feel it now, when its too late, that it was love that he felt for her but never acknowledged it. This new realization and the anger that she had been killed made him pull out the handgun and aim at the man who killed her..
The sound of 3 gunshots fired resonated in the silence of the night.
Things went still
He had killed him.