Monday, July 27, 2009

Raiding the memory lane

I just want to share experience over here....
It was a fine Sunday afternoon, gentle wind teasing the rain-wet leaves, a beautiful scenario with people enjoying their weekend.
That’s when I decided to revamp ma closet. (Actually I have been thinking of cleaning it up for quite some time, jus that I was too lazy)

Just like I had expected. I opened my fine wardrobe and a heap of clothes, bags, lingerie’s, everything for that matter fell right on my head, burying me inside a mountain of what-nots
But, I so din expect ma closet-cleaning/revamping to be an adventurous, astonishing, fun journey. I always thought it to be a boring chore.

Now, slowly and steadily I emptied the pile and sat in the center or the room wondering where to start…
So..I started segregating the dresses according to their make and model (am not I sounding technical) …kurtis, shirts, salwars, formals, jeans, capris, skirts, shorts, night suits etc. etc… (etc. is inclusive of all small garments) …the folding was sure a herculean task…then came the main part…. had to hang ma umpteen number of t-shirts on…. that’s when I got my first surprise…Damn!! I actually forgot a few lovely old dresses hidden at the back of ma cupboard (That I almost forgot of) …I found some cute little skirts too…best part. I found money in an old jean…

After all the fabric clearance…I went on to clear up the drawers…Immensely tiring task (at least that what I thought it would be). But it wasn’t. I found a lot many things hidden in my treasure chest…Old sim cards…love letters from boyfriends and love chits from admirers, dried rose petals, and 3 dried roses, 1 toblerone pack, little teddy bear key chain, my knuckle punch (I thought I had lost it in transit), my cycle chain, a boxing glow key chain, some mementos, my old college id card, a few hall-tickets, my baby-pic, 2-3 cigarette boxes, 1 miniature rum bottle, a few gold rings, a necklace that I had got for a valentine, my old one-eyed puppy soft toy, 2 slam books, my stamp collection, my bus ticket collection stacked in a bag.

Gosh!! I mean I never imagined that I had so many things kept neatly in there.

These little things brought back the good memories, it felt really nice to travel back in time.
Especially, now when 70% of our time is spent at work, 10% in traveling, 10% in cribbing bout our problems, 9% in resting…we get measly 1% time for ourselves…

The memories have taught me a new lesson in life. Never waste an opportunity to tell the people important to you that you love them. Who knows it may stay life long as a memory. That will make you smile one day



  1. beautiful.........

  2. deepu...dis was really cute....

  3. It really feels nice to get old things,i loved this blog

  4. Long time agao i read princess dairy and i felt the same excitment while reading this post

  5. Thanks :)
    it was nostalgic then....


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