Tuesday, February 16, 2016

ABCW - Love you Father

I am, I was and I always will be my Daddy's little girl.

Everyone in my family knows, the one person whom my Dad will listen to is me. My father is a man of discipline. He has a set routine and won't change it for anything in this planet.

My Dad is very fussy, he wont have food in time nor his medicines, he has to be reminded and brought food to him only then he would eat.

If there is cricket match going on, he will have his “cookies” and his canned juice and forget the whole world. Those times I take his plate to him and almost threaten him, that I would switch the TV off if he doesn't finish his food.

I have been a very naughty kid, me and my brother were always afraid of my father’s temper. He has punished us whenever we were wrong. Today, after all these years, I realize that it was his punishment and all his discipline lessons that me and my brother are where we are today.

He gave us all the independence we wanted, at the same time set some rules that had to be followed. This attitude was something we loathed then, but now I realize that he was right in every way.
He gave us everything that we wanted, but also taught us the value of money.

My father used to reject many prospective men on some silly pretext, sometimes it used to be frustrating, but later his insight would be absolutely correct. I know that I can blindly accept his judgement on matters of life, maybe that is what is called experience.

My Father
My father has always wanted to see me as a bride. He has been talking about it for as long as I know. He has been with me through all my “boy seeing”. He has diligently searched a groom for his beloved baby. He has been with me through all my mood swings. He has come with me to all my shopping trips, even if he was very tired. I have seen the gleam in his eyes, when he saw me in my bridal outfit.

He held my hand when he was giving me away. He smiled through tears, during my kanyadaan. He stood by me when I was weeping. He has been my rock solid support. He smiled when he saw me smile.
I hugged my Dad at the airport when he was leaving me. He didn't turn back to look at me standing there, crying in my husband's arms.

Through the glass of the airport, I saw my father wipe his tears. I realized, that he didn't turn back because he didn't want to see me cry, he didn't want me to fall weak, he wanted me to start a new life.

Today, I am far away from him, and what will I not give to hug him and say “Appa, I love you, Thank you for everything you have done for me, I am sorry if I have been a brat, I am sorry if I have hurt you, You are always my Hero”

This post is written for ABCW - F


  1. There is a special bond between fathers and daughters.

    1. There is Photo Cache, A very special bond
      Thanks for dropping by :-)

  2. how heartwarming! I wish for you both long time ahead to keep enjoying this.

    Have a nice abc-day / - week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

  3. That is very sweet. I have a girl, almost 12 y.o. Hope I do as well.


    1. AM sure you already are an amazing Dad
      Thanks for dropping by Rog :-)

  4. That's really very sweet:) Can totally relate to it! Our Dad's will always be our hero :)
    Cheers, Srivi - https://thepisceanme.wordpress.com


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