Monday, October 31, 2016

Happy Birthday Blog!!!!

I started writing 8 years back. Then, I was sad, lonely and wanted to talk it out. I wanted to yell my feelings. I was naive, stupid, a bit arrogant too. I started blogging in October 2008. I have never celebrated my blog's birthday, mostly because I think of celebrating around July-August of every year but forget by the end of September.

So, this year I have decided to celebrate my blog's Happy Birthday.

I have chosen a few couples; my classmates, colleagues, and friends.
I am going to have real life love stories.

Each story will be written by the couple themselves and one story each will be published every Monday, all of October.


  1. Looking forward to reading them all... <3

  2. Just read your post. Being a senior citizen. may be I should stay away from the birthday blasts. But I though my link to the blog post on long lasting love marriage may interest your readers. God bless

  3. Happy Birthday!! Look forward to reading the stories. Have a super weekend.

    1. Thank you Nicola,

      i have put the links of the stories in this post. You can read them whenever you have time

      Thanks a ton for dropping by

  4. Sorry I'm a little late to the party, and massive congratulations for making it to 8 years. During my time blogging so many of my original 'gang' of fellow scribes have fallen by the wayside. But we don't give up, do we?! Great idea you've come up with too.

    1. :-)
      One should never give up writing. BTW I love your blogs. Thanks for the comment Keith :-)

  5. Happy wala belated blog budday. Will read your stories. It's a milestone:)


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Happy Reading!!!!