Wednesday, June 1, 2016

#DAshTalks Hair Color

I was super excited this Sunday. I have been thinking of getting a highlight on my hair for a while now and today I really got it done.
I was super scared, apprehensive & thought about going grey & bald, but when I saw the results I was dancing inside my head
I rushed home to surprise the husband

Me: Do I look different?

Awin: of course, your expensive facial is making your face glow

Me: Anything else?

Awin *blank look*

Me: Hint. Hair

Awin: oh, there is something on your hair


Awin *Blank look*

Me *resigned* I colored my hair

Awin: Oh, I thought the guy painting near the elevator dropped some paint on your hair. I was going to ask you to wash it off. Seriously

Me *raised hands* why did I even ask?


  1. LOL, so typical. Love it!
    I love going the the beauty shop. So wonderful to be pampered, and they always make you look good, and feel good. It's time to cover my gray hair, but honestly it's the pedicure that I really love. She gives an amazing leg/foot massage!


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