Tuesday, June 7, 2016

CTT: Most Confusing Question in my life

Bangalore is one of the most versatile city I have been in. People from all over the country are here.

So, its very normal for people to ask "Whats your native?"

And that is the most confusing question of my life.


Well, I am born and brought up in Mumbai so I am a Maharastrian . I am an Iyer. My mother and father are from Kumbakonam & Pallakad respectively so I am partly from Tamil Nadu & Kerala. I am married to a guy from Chennai, so I am a Chennaite and I stay in Bangalore, so that makes me a bit of Kannadiga.

I can speak Marathi, Hindi, Iyer Tamil. I can speak not-so-fluent Chennai Tamil and Gujarati (staying in Mulund among Gujaratis helped). I can understand Malayalam & Kannada but cant speak both.

So, I just say I am a Cocktail.

Where are you from and Whats your native is not always an easy question to answer.


  1. Guess, we belong to so many places...Of Upite lineage, I carry the UP blood in me and stayed in Maharashtra for years and years that I made my home, a Mahaarashtrian and born to Indian parents in Mauritius, nah I don't call myself a Mauritian but Indian, always. Global citizen, may be!Global Indian, that's better.

    Hey, do read this interview of author Shuchi Singh Kalra on my other blog:


    1. Im an Indian, true that
      but still its a tough question to answer Mr. Mauritian

  2. Well, any move to enter into Guinness Records...!!! Just kidding
    Nice to know you can speak so many languages..that goes to say you are a Polyglot :)

    1. heheheh I learnt a new word today Polygot.
      Thanks Veena for dropping by :)

  3. May be you can identify yourself as South Indian... then give more details if someone probes

    1. But im more than a south indian na
      i dont really fall completely into hat category too my roots are in Mumbai

  4. My, DeeDee, that's amazing! You are a linguist in your own right. How can one ever remember which words to belong to which language! Amazing! You belong to 'everywhere', does it matter?



    1. That is a very positive way to look at it :D

  5. Yes indeed a confusing question for people who have migrated and settled in a different place. We both are so alike. Cz some of your answers also applies to me! :D

    But I prefer saying I am an Indian and even if they are more interested in getting details then I would say "FckOff and mind your own business"

    .The Solitary Writer

    1. Indian sounds good but vague. If i say that I would get reply like "Haan hum toh bangladeshi hai na" types :)
      Lol but I get the feel
      Thanks for dropping by


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