Friday, June 30, 2017

#Barathon 7/7 Deadly Sin: Envy

I can't imagine him with her, kissing good night
Holding each other tight
With pain in my heart, I pretend to smile
Dear, love of my life, I envy her, for encircling her arms around the world that is mine

This post is written for BAR-A-THON 2017 and my Theme for this year is Seven Deadly Sins

Click here to read the previous Bar-a-Thon posts
June 17th: GluttonyJune 19th: PrideJune 21st: LustJune 23rd: Greed
June 26th: SlothJune 28th: WrathJune 30th: Seven


  1. So wonderfully worded and very intense. Sometimes we really can't help the envy right?

    1. Thank you Ranjini.
      I agree, sometimes they are unavoidable :-)
      Thanks for dropping by :-)

  2. Well-written:) Congratulations of completing BarAThon:) Do continue to connect


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