Monday, June 1, 2020

#QuarantineTales: That Work Call - WFH

I was on a scheduled work call.
The meeting was getting heated up.
I made a point, which I felt was the need of the hour.
There were no acknowledgement.
There were no appreciation.
There wasn't even a mention.
I was a bit dejected.
After a while, another colleague made the same point
Everyone, thanked him for bringing it up.
I felt hurt this time.
But, remained quiet. Its a work call right?

I made another important point which I was preparing on for a while.
This fell into deaf ears too.
I felt, no one cared of my point of view.
I wanted to, log out right away.
But, I couldn't because, Its a work call right?

The call was about to end, everyone was saying Goodbye's
That's when I realized, that I have been on "Mute" all this while.

I smiled at myself sheepishly.
I said, an "oops"
And promised myself, not to overthink and never to doubt my abilities.

#QuarantineTales: Thank you Corona!

Its lock-down and we are at home
I learnt that health is more precious that luxury
I learnt to appreciate tiny things that don't cost money
I learnt to appreciate the nature,
I love the blues of the sky, the greens of the trees
I started to notice the trail of ants on the wall
I smiled at the tiny plant growing on my gate
I cried at the sound of ambulance far away
I prayed for safety of my loved ones and the world
I wished to go back to work
I realized how much I love my office

Thank you Corona, in a way I am humbled by you