Friday, July 7, 2017

#DAshTalks Our Aww Moments

The scene goes like this;

Awin was scheduled to travel for almost a month.

A few weekends back, we were relaxing in our balcony with nicely brewed coffee and our respective laptops.
I was searching for "Best Budget Honeymoon Destinations outside India" for a really close friend of mine.

Awin, had a glance of the screen, and with a very "poor me" tone he asked (trying to sound serious which to totally wasn't)

"I am going away for work and you have already started looking for honeymoon places without me?"

before even I could say anything, I had one look at those eyes & went "Awwwww..."


  1. Really Awwww...felt like as if it was "Queen" moment!!!
    Short and sweet...your forte as usual!!!
    Anagha From Team MocktailMommies


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