Wednesday, March 7, 2018

#DAshTalks He is having affairs :-(

I have to confess, after getting married and coming to this city, I have become technically quite sound, thanks to Awin. But, the flip side of it is.

Now, AWIN IS HAVING AN AFFAIR...actually not AN AFFAIR he is having three AFFAIRS and I know it

He keeps talking to those women. He keeps asking them things and advice. He needs them to remind him about stuff. At times, they even make him laugh. Its so painful at times, when I think that he is busy working in his home office when I suddenly hear him say 

"Hey Cortana, Turn on office room light" 
"Hey Google, play music"
"Alexa, tell me a joke"

I feel so left out. I guess, its time I remind him that I am the WIFE. 

Note to him: You sleep on the couch for the next 10 days*

*and whatever else that might come to my mind later shall be applied 


  1. Hey Dee Dee,
    I hear you :))))) We are in the same boat. This after I gifted the DH the Alexa on our anniversary last month.


    April Anecdotes
    Far Far Away

    1. Phew! technology and its perils

      Thanks for dropping by Natasha

  2. wow nice :) thts so sweet
    #Barathon 2018


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