Wednesday, July 1, 2015

3 day quote challenge: Day 1 - Sarcasm

This post is written for the 3-Day Quote Challenge, and This is my Day 1

I have always been the person who loves to read funny quotes, keeps me smiling all day.

And, i am known for my sarcasm, and i am married to a man who is 10 times more sarcastic than I am.

The biggest urn off, is a person who is dumb enough to not understand my sarcasm, its like a total waste of energy.

How has this quote inspired me?
Well, its made me popular and witty

SO, yeah

I am allergic to stupidity, and break-out into sarcasm.


Thank you PWD for nominating me

I nominate Sameen, Mridula & Neha for this challenge

This is what the 3-Day Quote Challenge is all about.

1. Post one of your favorite quotes (different quote on each day) on three consecutive days. The quote can be from your favorite book, author, or your own.
2. Nominate 3 bloggers to challenge them.
3. Thank the blogger, who nominated you.


  1. Dee Dee, I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. Kindly see my post dated 1st JULY for the details.m


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Happy Reading!!!!