Friday, July 24, 2015

FF: My First Snow

unnamedI am from that part of the planet, where snow is not rare, its impossible. The minimum temperature that I have ever seen in my life is 12 degrees Celsius, that is about 53.6 Fahrenheit.
I have seen very hot summers, city stopping rains, a very rare once in 10 years 2 minute hailstones, but snow never.

So, I went to Switzerland for a project a few years back, and was in a meeting inside the meeting room. Inside you really don't see or feel the snow. 
The moment I stepped out of the building, it was all white. 2 feet heap of snow. 

Trust me! I couldn't contain my excitement. I went ballistic. 
I ran out on the snow like a happy 5 year old, with my office shoes.
I did not realize that snow makes the road slippery. 

Bamm! I went sliding like a toppling bowling pin.

And to top it all, my Swiss colleague gave me that "Like seriously? Its just snow" look

I know its just snow for him, but it was THE Snow for me. 

My First Snowy Day makes me smile whenever I think about it.

This post is written for Friday Fictioneers by Rochelle Wisoff Fields, 24th July 2015 . This post isn't 100 words. But I couldn't stop myself from writing


  1. Sounds real and not fiction but lovely nonetheless as the emotion comes through.
    If it was fiction, it's even better!

    Have a good day, Tay.

    1. It happens to be a Fiction. :D

      Thanks for dropping by Tay

  2. I agree, it sounds real, very fun and realistic description.

  3. Fun stuff! (Maybe change your slipper to slippery?)

    1. Thanks for dropping by and Thanks for correcting me :D
      Changes done *hugs*


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