Wednesday, July 22, 2015

APED: Stranger on the Street


A stranger on the street
Very simple and sweet

A flute on his lip
And a flask on his hip

That soothing sound
That wakes up even a wilting leaf lying around

So powerful, that sound
Like a raging fire, that sees so bound

His eyes so innocent, that spread divine light
Like a child’s delight
That stranger on the street, I wonder, What is he really like

This post is written for A Prompt Each Day, Prompt 52


  1. Nicely written. You used all words in the prompt.

  2. I could imagine the scene in my head. Beautiful :)

  3. I wonder too. :) The way you describe him, he sounds like a Pied Piper.

    Leo - My APED Wordle

  4. Lovely poem. Talented strangers do make us wonder, don't they?


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