Monday, July 27, 2015

#MondayMusings & #TT Three Little Pigs

From Pinterest
The title might sound a little absurd, but today morning an incident happened, and somehow I am proud of my baby brother.

So, I dropped my little brother at his work place on a rainy monday morning. I see his friends drinking tea in the nearby tea-stall waving to my brother.
There is this big gutter that goes near his work place.

While I was starting my car, I see my brother rolling is pants and his sleeve up and jumping into the gutter. I panicked. It was a dirty deep gutter. Then I saw two of his friends jumping in too. A crowd started to form there. I ran towards them, and what I see gave me an "Aww" and a "proud sister" feeling.
My brother and his friends, jumped in to rescue 3 baby piglets from the gutter.

The little pigs would have drowned and died.

My baby brother, saved them, inspite of being late for work, inspite of wearing well-pressed work formals, he jumped in for the sake of those animals.

I am proud of him

This post is a part of #Monday Musings by Write Tribe and Theme Thursday - Rain


  1. How wonderful! I can imagine your surprise at seeing him jump in, but even more so when you realized why. So cute the little ones!

    1. Totally, it is one of the sweetest things I have seen him do


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