Wednesday, July 1, 2015

APED: I am Sorry

It is that hour of the day, when the church bells ring
The sun burns the tar road, where children play
In this crowd, I search one face
There she is, trying to learn and cope with her white cane
Its been two years, to that incident
All I want to do is hold her small soft hands, and say sorry
But, what I do is stand here, looking at her from far
For I am a coward to admit, that I robbed the eyes of the woman I last kissed Goodbye

This post is written for A Prompt Each DayPrompt 31


  1. Wow, this is intriguing.

  2. This is really wonderfully visual--the hot tar road, the small soft hands.

  3. Hmmm. I wonder if you apologize, will she accept it, or not... Intriguing indeed.

    Been a bit busy this week, so hopping by late.

    My Midweek Wordle Fiction

    1. I think she may or may not, but she would accept it, no point in not accepting, what is done is done now


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