Saturday, April 16, 2016

A-Z: Neon Green

A register myself in a Breast cancer midnight run
PC: Pradeep Maniyani (Mirchi Neon Run)
Neon green is the theme for fun

On the day at the venue
Neon green everywhere, including me and you

T-shirts so bright
Posters & the neon lights

The run begins & is captures by the drone camera
And it looks like a flowing toxic liquid 

In the dead of the night, people run for a good cause
And when we finish the run, all we hear is applause

This post is written for A-Z: April 16th (Color: Neon Green)


  1. I love the neon toxic comparison hehe. /xoxomake

    1. :D I love the color
      Thanks for the comment Natalia


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